My Story
My Story - Jan Kaufman
In the mid 2000’s I began to become ill. My skin began to break out – somewhat resembling eczema or psoriasis. Medical professionals had no clue what to call it. About the same time my guts began to hurt. The pain was so great, I was unable to eat and everyday life became a great chore. Going through traditional medical process testing, I was poked and prodded over and over for several years. The medical professionals had no clue what the cause was.
Suffering with digestive issues, with a skin rash that makes a giraffe look good – I was severely malnourished. Peppermint oil became my best friend for my guts. However, it is excessively dangerous to my liver. Needless to say, I was in very bad shape.
Fast forward years later, I met a friend who knew a friend who knew a friend… That’s when I was introduced to meridian assessments. This new introduction totally turned my life around and my issues went away because my body was able to heal itself. This was such a life changing experience, I sold my accounting practice to learn how to help others be well.