Advanced Energetic Data-field Testing (AEDT)
You’ve probably come across the concept of acupuncture, and you might even have some familiarity with it. Initially, it might appear to be a somewhat intimidating treatment, but the advantages of acupuncture reach far beyond initial impressions, and the scientific basis supporting it is more extensive than one might assume. Contemporary advancements have propelled us into the 21st Century with a technology known as Advanced Energetic Data-field Testing (AEDT).
The AEDT method of meridian stress assessment offers a completely non-invasive means to gather valuable insights about the body’s essential functions by detecting electrical imbalances within the body. In contrast to conventional medical practices that rely on chemistry and blood tests for assessing vital functions, AEDT employs principles of physics and energy to pinpoint issues through the measurement of the body’s conductivity, similar to how an EKG functions for the heart. Although the concept might seem unfamiliar, it essentially parallels processes like EKGs for heart activity or EEGs for brain electrical activity. AEDT provides an additional approach for evaluating the body’s electrical imbalances.

While conventional medicine often identifies factors contributing to diseases only when they are fully developed, potentially too late, AEDT can be employed to gauge the stress levels on an organ’s meridian. This assessment aids technicians in identifying strategies to rectify imbalances, and it offers the added advantage of tracking therapy progress, minimizing trial and error.
For instance:
- Identification and localization of inflammation.
- Evaluation of specific bodily systems’ conditions.
- Detection of environmental or chemical toxins that might not be evident in standard blood tests but could trigger allergic reactions.
How Does AEDT Work?
Drawing on the principle that everything in nature possesses a unique frequency, AEDT measures the electrical conductivity of acupressure points throughout the body. The procedure is straightforward: an individual holds a brass grounding ROD in one hand while a technician applies a minimal current to a specific point on the hand. Any energy imbalances in a particular organ or system can be detected along these meridian points.
Facts about the Human Body
The human body is a marvel. It consists of intricate networks of systems and vital organs that tirelessly perform functions essential for daily living.
To illustrate, for the act of eating, the mouth, esophagus, stomach, liver, pancreas, and intestines collaborate to break down food, extracting necessary nutrients to maintain well-being.
While most are familiar with the fundamental bodily functions, some astonishing aspects of the body’s operations might remain unknown. Here are a few mind-blowing facts about the human body and its extraordinary processes:
- The gut possesses its own autonomous nervous system.
- If stretched flat, your veins, capillaries, and arteries would span over 60,000 miles, whereas your Meridian extends 45 miles when stretched.
- You shed around 200 million skin cells per hour, and these cells can contribute to reducing air pollution.
- The cornea is distinct as it lacks blood vessels.
- Your heartbeat and breathing can synchronize with the music you listen to.
- The brain experiences a reduction in size during pregnancy.
- Gut bacteria can influence mood.

Gut Bacteria and Mood
Did you know that your gut plays a role in your mental well-being? Your gut contains billions of bacteria collectively referred to as the microbiome. This bacterial assembly can impact neural development, brain chemistry, emotional behaviors, pain perception, and stress – all aspects acknowledged in AEDT meridian testing. The microbiome generates numerous neurochemicals that regulate learning, memory, and even mood.
Balanced Wellness for Life can provide assistance in maintaining a healthy microbiome. While various supplements, medications, CBD oils, and cannabis products can alleviate symptoms, they may not address the underlying conditions causing imbalances, discomfort, or pain within the body. Your body wasn’t designed to rely solely on pills or oils. The AEDT system delves deep into cellular levels, aiding medical professionals in identifying root causes.